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Summer Law Courses


update information coming soon. Posting deleted at the request of ILI.

Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, California

Stanford Summer Fellows on Democracy and Development (Annual)

Application period closed on January 13, 2006 for 2006. Apply before January 2007 for 2007 Placement.

The Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at the Stanford Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, California invites policy makers and activists from countries undergoing political, economic and social transitions to participate in its second annual summer fellows program on democracy, development, and the rule of law to be held July 31 – August 18, 2006 at Stanford University on its California campus.

This program offers a unique approach to studying the ways in which democratic institutions and institutions that foster economic development can be established and strengthened in varying country contexts. In contrast to other programs of democracy promotion that seek to transfer ready made models to countries in transition, the Stanford Summer Fellows on Democracy and Development program provides a comparative perspective on the evolution of established democratic practices as well as a conceptual background into issues of democracy and good governance. The curriculum draws on the combined expertise of Stanford scholars and practitioners in the fields of political science, economics, law, sociology, and business and emphasizes the links between theory and practice.

While traditional programs focus either on democratization, economic development, or the rule of law, the Stanford Summer Fellows on Democracy and Development program endeavors to locate the points of interaction among these areas. Ideas and learning flow two ways. Participants are exposed to the knowledge of Stanford faculty and, in turn, they bring their country and professional experiences into the seminars to help faculty and one another develop case-specific methodologies for addressing actual problems of democratic and economic development. Continue reading “Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, California”



This year’s Orientation academic program has been modified from previous years to focus on American law and legal methods for practicing lawyers and those interested in being exposed to the US legal practice in an academic setting.  American law is based on the Common Law tradition, an intricate system that uses and values sources of law in a different manner from that of the Civil Law tradition. ILI believes that learning the basics of Common Law gives strong competitive advantage to law students and foreign attorneys trained and practicing under the Civil Law. Understanding substantive differences between the two systems and learning new methods will ease the transition to studying or practicing law in the United States and internationally.  

Our program concentrates on both the legal methods and the major areas of substantive law that foreign lawyers are most likely to encounter when conducting business in the United States or with Americans abroad.  Furthermore, the program will cover the role of Common Law in international and supranational organizations such as the WTO, the EU, and other similar institutions. Focusing on the US legal system, we will illustrate how understanding Common Law legal methods is important for all lawyers working at or with any of these organizations. Continue reading “INTERNATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE-ORIENTATION IN THE US LEGAL SYSTEM”

UC Davis Summer Law Program

UC Davis School of Law – Orientation in U.S.A. Law (July 9 – August 5, 2006)  

The 2006 Orientation in U.S.A. Law program marks the 17th anniversary of this successful international summer law program. Lawyers, judges, prosecutors and defenders, notaries, law professors, pre-LL.M. students and business professionals attend this program to gain a better understanding of the theories and practices of the U.S. legal system. Participants engage in more than 170 hours of classes, seminars and on-site observations.Many participants begin with the Orientation in U.S.A. Law program and then continue with the specialized programs in Structuring an International Joint Venture (offered in 2006), The Global Trading System (offered in 2007) and Financing International Transactions (offered in 2008). However, the Orientation in U.S.A. Law is not a prerequisite for any of the three specialized programs.When and where:July 9-29, 2006: University of California, Davis July 29-August 5, 2006: University of California, Berkeley Fees:Non-refundable application fee: $150 U.S. Tuition:U.S. $3,500* (Enroll by May 15 to receive a $200 discount) Materials: $100 U.S. *Tuition and fees are subject to change.Course Topics: Continue reading “UC Davis Summer Law Program”

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